You can eat a lot during the Holiday Season and gain no body fat, as long as you also eat little body fat, calorie restriction, dietary fat, fasting, fat loss, Holiday Season, intermittent fasting, palatability, paleo diet, satiety This post has been revised and re-published . The original comments are preserved below. Typically this is done with posts that attract man... Read More
You can eat a lot during the Holiday Season and gain no body fat, as long as you also eat little body fat, calorie restriction, dietary fat, fasting, fat loss, Holiday Season, intermittent fasting, palatability, paleo diet, satiety The evolutionary pressures placed by periods of famine shaped the physiology of most animals, including humans, toward a design that favors... Read More
No fat gain while eating well during the Holiday Season: Palatability isolines, the 14-percent advantage, and nature’s special spice body fat, calorie restriction, dietary fat, fasting, fat loss, Holiday Season, intermittent fasting, paleo diet Like most animals, our Paleolithic ancestors had to regularly undergo short periods of low calorie intake. If they were successful at procur... Read More
The low modern potassium-to-sodium ratio: Big problem or much ado about nothing? hypertension, paleo diet, potassium, potassium to sodium ratio, research, sodium It has been argued that the diets of our Paleolithic ancestors had on average a much higher potassium-to-sodium ratio than modern diets (see... Read More
Refined carbohydrate-rich foods, palatability, glycemic load, and the Paleo movement adiponectin, glycemic index, glycemic load, insulin, leptin, paleo diet, research, tumor necrosis factor-alpha A great deal of discussion has been going on recently revolving around the so-called “carbohydrate hypothesis of obesity”. I will use the ac... Read More
The evolution of costly traits: A challenge to a strict paleo diet orientation costly traits, evolution, paleo diet, survival, Zahavian traits The fundamental principle of the paleo diet movement is that we should model our diet on the diet of our ancestors. In other words, for opti... Read More
Dr. Jekyll dieted and became Mr. Hyde Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, fat loss, hypoglycemia, paleo diet, reactive hypoglycemia One of the most fascinating topics for an independent health researcher is the dichotomy between short- and long-term responses in success... Read More