Flu Remedies Using Ancient Traditional Herbs

Flu is annoying, besides nasal congestion, interfere with breathing, is also bringing flu aches all over our bodies and feel a bit dizzy in the head. The easiest way to get rid of flu is taking medicines that always be already set in our home, but now, you will know another flu remedies that comes from ancient traditional herbs. A little bit difficult, but it's could be your alternative way for flu treatment.

Flu or influenza is also an infectious disease caused by RNA viruses of the family Orthomyxoviridae (the influenza viruses), that attack birds and mammals. The most common flu sign & symptoms are chills, fever, sore throat, muscle pains, severe headache, coughing, weakness and general discomfort.

How to make traditional flu remedies herbs

First herb

- 10 grams of garlic
- 10 grams onion
- 10 grams of ginger

How to make:
Slice or mashed all ingredients above, then brewed with boiled water on closed pot or other place about 15 minutes. After finished, throw the ginger and you can drink the water also eat the garlic or onion.

Rules of use:
Consume twice a day

Second herb

- 15 grams of ginger
- 2 leeks
- 400 cc of water

How to make:
Boiled all ingredients with 400 cc of water until remains 200 cc.

Rules of use:
Consume while warm twice a day.

Third herb

- 1 of kaffir lime
- 60 ml of hot water

How to make:
Squeezed kaffir lime and brewed with 60 ml of water.

Rules of use:
Drink once while warm

Most common flu remedies around the world

We realize that all steps above are quite difficult,so there are also q quite simple steps for flu remedies that has been popular all around the world.

Chicken soup
This is the most common flu remedies, chicken soup can reduce inflammation and speed up the mucus. For best results, make your own chicken soup stew consisting of chicken, carrots, onion, and celery. Boiled at least 12 hours.

Raw Garlic
Garlic is rich in antioxidants that help the immune system. Thus consume raw garlic can boost immunity. Once you sneeze, immediate consume raw garlic in thinly sliced ​​with crackers. You can also make sliced garlic as inhaler.

Herb steam
Flu usually occurs during cold weather, although many also experienced during the summer. Because it can help the respiratory evaporative cold wind out of the body. Simply boiled mint, or rosemary, and inhale fumes immediately. Another way, you can take a steam bath that also helps relieve headaches and chest tightness. For instant way, mint candy can also temporarily relieve your runny nose.

Spicy foods
The content of Capsaicin found in pepper or chili can help clear nasal cavities. When the flu strikes, trying to eat soup with a sprinkling of hot pepper sauce or spicy foods contain.

Natural cough syrup
Just three natural ingredients to fight coughs, lemon juice as a source of vitamin C and anti-bacterial, honey as stamina enhancer that fight fatigue, and warm water. Combine all three and consume a teaspoon as often as possible until the cough subsides.

Actually, in different countries they have their own ways to get rid of flu. The Russian and Ukrainian using egg yolk shake with a teaspoon of honey or sugar to treat a cold or flu. And even there is also strange way for flu remedies with wearing socks that have been soaked in cold water. So, its your choice which way that you will choose.

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