Extraordinary Health Benefits Of Peaches & Nutrition Facts

Nutrition in peaches has health benefits for antioxidants, even its content not as much as other fruits such bananas. Calories in raw peach every 100 gr is 39 calories, not as much as in peach pie which reach 223 calories.

Peach has anti-aging properties, increase immunity and is detoxification or help remove toxins from the body. Peach is also rich in fiber, vitamins A, B, C, and E and has a high antioxidant content.

Peach is believed to prevent obesity, which can lead to heart disease and diabetes. According to the results of a study in California, phenolic compounds in peaches has anti-obesity properties. It also contains anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic and can reduce the amount of LDL (bad cholesterol), which can lead to heart disease.

Based on the results of laboratory tests, this fruit can kill breast cancer cells. In testing involves some patients with breast cancer and given a peach and plum extracts. Cancer cells can be reduced and the respondent returned to normal. Not only high phenolic compounds, peaches can also strengthen the immune system.

And before you read peaches health benefits, it would be better if you should read peaches nutrition facts below.

Peaches Nutrition Facts

Peaches (Prunus persica), Fresh, Nutritive value per 100 g.
(Source: USDA National Nutrient data base)
PrincipleNutrient ValuePercentage of RDA
Energy39 Kcal2%
Carbohydrates9.54 g 7%
Protein0.91 g1.5%
Total Fat0.25 g 1%
Cholesterol0 mg0%
Dietary Fiber1.5 g4%
Folates4 µg 1%
Niacin0.806 mg5%
Pantothenic acid0.153 mg3%
Pyridoxine0.025 mg2%
Riboflavin0.031 mg 2.5%
Thiamin0.024 mg2%
Vitamin A326 IU11%
Vitamin C6.6 mg11%
Vitamin E0.73 mg5%
Vitamin K2.6 µg2%
Sodium0 mg0%
Potassium190 mg4%
Calcium6 mg 0.6%
Copper0.068 mg7.5%
Iron0.25 mg3%
Magnesium9 mg2%
Manganese0.61 mg3%
Phosphorus11 mg2%
Zinc0.17 mg1.5%
Carotene-ß162 µg--
Crypto-xanthin-ß67 µg--
Lutein-zeaxanthin91 µg--

Peach Health Benefits

1. Antioxidants
Peaches contain a lot of antioxidants, especially chlorogenic acid which makes it even more healthy. This types of antioxidants is largely concentrated in the skin and flesh peaches. This substance can protect the body from diseases such as cancer and chronic problems. Chlorogenic acids also reduce inflammation and control the body's aging process.

2. Cleaning the organs in the body
In China, peach tea is used as a kidney cleanser and detoxification. Because it has a high content of potassium and fiber, this fruit can reduce heartburn, inflammation, and kidney disease.

3. Controlling weight
Peaches low in fat and calories, it also does not increase blood sugar levels or insulin. Because the sweetness of the peaches come from natural sugars.

4. Source of nutrition
Peaches is a rich food source of calcium, fiber, potassium carbohydrates, vitamins and folic acid. This fruit also has vitamins A, K, C, and E are great.

5. Healthy eyes
The peach is a source of food rich in beta carotene can increase blood circulation throughout the body.

6. Good for the skin
Vitamin C in peaches is an essential ingredient for skin health. In addition to health benefits, peaches also known as natural beauty products. In fact, in a peach vitamins can reduce the formation of fine lines or wrinkles on the skin.

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