Easy and Healthy Way to Pack Lunch and Snacks..For Anyone!

Bento Boxes are a simple way to pack healthy and nutritious lunches and snacks for yourself and your child.I experimented with two of them today. One was purchased at Pottery Barn Kids (around $15) and the other was from the Container Store (around $15). The above boxes are the ones from Pottery Barn and they can easily fit inside a soft lunch box to be carried to school. The boxes have an attached cover that opens easily and inside the box there is one compartment that has it's own attached lid so you can stash something liquid (dressing, salsa, humus, etc).

This is a close up of the Pottery Barn box and how I filled it.  Pomegranate seeds, Malomars, Edamame, Deviled Egg (hummus and eggwhite) and a Turkey Sandwich with Spinach and Tomato on a small Whole Wheat Roll. It has options from all the food groups except low fat dairy, so add a container of skim milk and you are good to go. It is fun for the kids, too!

The box above (pink also) has a bottom and a top section. This bottom section is nice because it fits a sandwich (grilled chicken, salsa and shredded cheddar cheese on Joseph's flax seed pita bread) and an icepack (not pictured) perfectly. I also have a small container of hummus to use as dip for the veggies that are on the top part of this box.

Pictured on the left is the top section of the box that has attached lids (can't lose the lids) and I filled one section with snow peas and carrots (for dipping with the hummus that is in the compartment below) and a graham cracker with a teaspoon of chocolate icing, bananas and a raspberry for dessert.  See below.
On the left side of this box is another compartment that you can't see that holds a container for drinking water.

Adults and children can use these boxes for healthy and nutritious meals or snacks.   
What are you packing up for lunch?               

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