7 Guides To Determine The Best Food or Herbal Supplement

7 Guides To Determine The Best Food or Herbal Supplement

     Food or Herbal supplement nowadays is rampant, from networking companies, grocery stores, stalls in the mall and even in “tiyangge”. Some are cheap and others are so expensive. Others are scam in my opinion for they just wanted to recruit instead to sell their products. Some are local brands but majority are from abroad. And people from almost all walks of life have to almost every night of what they said product presentation but at some point it will be just marketing to get people.

     I have attended most of them, for as a scientist and some people knew my work so they will always invited me to listen to their product demo or presentation. I had rejected most all of them and I tried one but I left many years ago. Based from that experienced, I realized that most of them during invitation night didn’t focus on the product but rather they focus more on the marketing on how to earn, get recruits and be rich. Is that really important to them??? For in my opinion, if you have a great product to sell then I think you don’t need to invite most of your friend because all you need to do is to share what the benefits and how the product works for you. When people will know and see how really the product is affecting you healthily and beautifully. Then, without a doubt they will ask you and be interested in it as well. But the problem is, that is the trend now. Most networking companies have engaged to “Recruiting Wars”. Have you invited by a friend that wouldn’t tell you where will you be going? Or invited you to a dinner, coffee or etc but end up in a networking recruitments? Hahaha! That is their strategy for today.

        So, here are now the list of my guide in my own knowledge and opinion on how do we determine The Best Food or Herbal Supplement there is today, As a scientist, I come to think what are those factors that we need to consider in order for us to find and determine the best Food and Herbal product that will give us the benefits that we’ve always wanted.

Here are the lists:

1.    Is the company registered in SEC and have all the documents necessary for them to operate?
    This important for some companies nowadays and even in the past have managed to do this. Imagine if you buy or even recruited by them without anything in return.

2.    Are the products has FDA approval?
    You need to be careful on this, for some companies have used this to lie to people. Yes, their products has an approval but not on how the product is supposed to be used or consumed. If you have doubts go to the website of your government agency like http://www.fda.gov.ph/ in the Philippines to get information about the product you are concerned with.

3.    Are the products has clinical studies, certificate of analysis, certificate of any testing or a 3rd party analysis?
Stating that their product has been tested and approved to be used or consumed. If not, then don’t use it or even buy it. Most local brands, has an FDA approval but some of them doesn’t have a 3rd party analysis which is crucial. Please check on this.)(Most imported brands, has already an approval of their FDA but still you needed to ask if they have with our local FDA. Most of them as well, have studies or testing but not specific to the brand. The only testing thy have are the testing and study of the ingredients that they are using. You can ask them about this and please ask for a copy for you have the right as a user or a distributor to have one. If they have a patent of there is a good one but if you have doubts and need to find an answer if the brand or products of the company that you are interested or already consuming or registered have a study go to this website http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed and search the product or brand name and not the ingredient I am surely you will be shocked to know that your product that you had been using doesn’t have a study that most people maybe your friend, distributor, or your sponsor have told you have. You can check it out to know if they are telling you the truth.

4.    Know How The Product Is Been Manufactured
    This is important for most local brands now are so rampant and people are not so interested in knowing this. They should have a good facility for the processes involved that is also FDA accredited or certified. They should have their own production of the ingredients that they are using. Meaning, they should their own farms so that quality is check and assured. If not, then think twice or don’t buy from them.

5.    Know this term ORAC Value
   ORAC or Oxygen Radical Absorbance capacity or in common term Anti-oxidant value. This is the common unit now in terms of Food or Herbal Supplements. Do you know the ORAC value of your products that you are consuming or selling? If not, then please know from your distributor or from the company that you are registered or have bought your product. Please don’t ask for the ingredients ORAC value for it is already given in the internet, please ask specifically the brand or product name’s ORAC value. If they don’t have one, then have doubts for they are not giving you the quality of products that you deserved. If they have, then that’s good. You are in company somehow. But… Do you that the average human body works best with 3,000-5,000 ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbency Capacity - the standard measurement used for the antioxidant value in foods). If you eat more than that there are no side effects, they will simply be expelled by your kidneys. Have you consumed enough ORAC Value from your products each day? Here are some ORAC values of some products. I came to know 2 products with has tightest in the market including one in the picture but the other is the best there is. It will not supply you with anti-oxidants it will help your body to generate anti-oxidants to as much a 1,000,000 ORAC or Anti-oxidant value per second. Imagine per second your body will produce that for you! It will be awesome and they have a patent and a clinical study or a claim that most Herbal or Food Supplements can’t. But I won’t divulge it here, but if you’re interested just send me a message.

6.    Don’t Be Deceived By The Testimonies
Those testimonies every night of their recruitment nights are sometimes scripted, like all programs. They are made mainly to deceive you because as a human we tend to find some answers or facts right away just to confirm of our own questions. I suggest for agreeing to buy or register try to do your own research. Search in the internet; ask people who know the most, like doctors, scientist or a chemist. Or get the facts from that person ask for proof for only a proof like test, lab results can verify or validate his testimonies.

7.    Try The Product But Don’t Register Yet
   The best way to know and confirm your doubts is to test it. After all the research that you have done, now it is the best time to try it for yourself. With this, you can validate and even verify from your body and experiences if what they've been telling about is all true. Your body is the best tool you can really use to prove their claims and testimonies. Just try it for a month or maybe 3, or ask some samples from the company or the distributor because some is already doing this because they are so sure of the products but some won’t and you know why.

         So, here are the lists and I hope and pray that this will help you right in looking for the best Food or Herbal supplement there in the market. If you have some questions and comments please send me one and I will appreciate every bit of it. Just know that you all the tools now to be healthy, but the question is which one? I highly suggest if you want to know more…  Read more to learn more… God bless… J

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